![eladrin fey step 5e](https://travel.casqwer.com/10.jpg)
The Mordenkainen’s eladrin are CR 10 champions, each intimately associated with a different season of the year. The larger family of eladrin included: High elves, or 'common' eladrin, Noble eladrin, powerful elf-like fey, and Celestial eladrin, a race of elf-like celestials.Winter When you use your Fey Step, one creature of your choice that you can see within 5 feet of you before you teleport must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw.The eladrin in Mordenkainen’s Tome of Foes are not in any way to be confused with the eladrin subrace of elves described in the Dungeon Master’s Guide. Would you as a DM allow this The term 'eladrin' referred to a family of fey races or to specific races or subraces in that larger family. In turn, I would gain Fey Step.
They don’t do that.In Dungeons & Dragons 5E, this is where your fey characters will shine. Eladrin morph from type to type according to the season—or their moods—with the metamorphosis taking place upon completing a long rest, so you don’t need to concern yourself with their changing type mid-encounter. An eladrin is associated with one of the four seasons and has coloration reminiscent of that season, which can also affect the eladrins mood: Autumn is the season of peace and goodwill, when summers harvest is shared with all.One curious aspect of eladrin is that the four “types” aren’t separate beings at all.
![eladrin fey step 5e eladrin fey step 5e](https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/pathfinder/images/e/eb/Cold_Rider.jpg)
D&d elf d&d character d&d 5e autumn eladrin.Spring eladrin are spellcasters first and skirmishers second, and they aren’t so much about slaying opponents as they are about shutting them down. This constellation of features allows them to dart around a battlefield, engaging and disengaging as they please, suddenly appearing up close or far away—whichever is more inconvenient for their targets.Eladrin characters have the Fey Step feature, allowing them to teleport 30 feet once per short or long rest. They all have superior natural armor, Magic Resistance, the Fey Step trait, and proficiency with both longswords and longbows. They all have darkvision, ideal for the perpetual twilight of the Feywild.
Charm person, then, is obviously off the table except against a target on whom Joyful Presence has already worn off, or as a desperation move. But its range is the same as the range of the spring eladrin’s Joyful Presence, which charms creatures within a 60-foot radius.This means that the other spells in the spring eladrin’s repertoire have to be used for dealing narrowly with those foes who are unaffected by both Joyful Presence and enthrall—and these are most likely to be ones who are resistant or immune to being charmed. Enthrall concentrates the attention of an entire group on the eladrin, allowing its allies to surround them or slip away, depending on what the situation calls for. Hallucinatory terrain has a long casting time, so it’s more for laying groundwork before a combat encounter takes place the spring eladrin’s reasons for disguising the landscape may not even have anything to do with combat per se, only with a general intent to manipulate.
Eladrin Fey Step 5E Plus A Spell
The spring eladrin is always thinking a move ahead, so you need to, too: if the belligerent foe whom the spring eladrin needs to deal with requires the use of the weapon it’s not wielding, give it a temporizing turn while Fey Step is on cooldown to stow one and draw the other. If it can’t close the entire distance to its ranged-attacker enemy, it either casts an appropriate spell, Dodges (if it has allies present) or countersnipes with its Longbow. When shot at by a ranged attacker, it does the opposite: moves as close to its foe as it can get, Fey Steps the remaining distance into melee reach and Multiattacks with Longsword, two-handed (since it carries no shield), once plus a spell or twice with no spell. When engaged by a melee attacker, it begins its turn with Fey Step to distance itself without provoking an opportunity attack, moves another 30 feet away, wheels about and Multiattacks with Longbow—once if it needs to cast a spell at the same time, twice if it doesn’t. Suggestion and Otto’s irresistible dance are subpar for the spring eladrin’s purposes, although the latter can also be used against a target who’s shaken off Joyful Presence.Belligerent opponents who resist its charms and insist on attacking the spring eladrin will find it to be an elusive target. Tasha’s hideous laughter, because it incapacitates, is especially suitable against an individual of a martial class or subclass with Extra Attack.
As long as they’re frightened of it, they have disadvantage on attacks against it (including opportunity attacks), while it’s striking twice per turn and dealing an average of 20 damage with each hit, so they should want to move away—and it’s going to take its opportunity attack when they do. The summer eladrin is less concerned than the spring eladrin with using Fey Step to disengage, because it’s counting on Fearsome Presence to get its enemies to run away from it rather than vice versa. If this trait doesn’t suffice to repel interlopers, the summer eladrin employs the edge of its sword instead.When combat begins, its first move is to use its movement plus Fey Step to charge the nearest opponent who’s within 60 feet of all its other opponents, so that its Fearsome Presence can take effect, and use Multiattack to strike twice with Longsword, two-handed. If it’s seriously wounded (reduced to 50 hp or fewer), it gives up, Dodging as it retreats.The summer eladrin is an aggressive shock attacker, a flare-up of wrath personified, whose main objective—as can be inferred from Fearsome Presence—is to drive others off. Is the spring eladrin there to drive the PCs away? To prevent them from leaving? To steer them into a trap? To steer them past a danger? Is it working alone or with fey allies, and are they trying to harm the PCs or merely maneuvering them around as the spring eladrin is? Whatever this goal is, it’s always paramount, and the spring eladrin only attacks those who won’t be dissuaded from violent resistance it would much prefer to handle the entire situation with Joyful Presence and its skill at Persuasion (or Deception).
Parrying magic weapons always takes priority over Parrying nonmagical weapons. Combat ensues if they insist on approaching anyway.A summer eladrin uses Parry against a normal melee attack only when there’s no other foe with a magic weapon that it may need to Parry instead. But if any enemy reverses direction and comes back toward it, it goes back to Longsword.And if, when the PCs and the summer eladrin first meet, it’s more than 80 feet away from the nearest of them? Rather than charge a PC it can’t reach—and rather than lead with its bow—it uses its Intimidation skill to order them off. If it can’t, it stows its sword and takes out its bow while Fey Step is recharging, then Multiattacks with Longbow on its next turn. If it can reach that target with normal movement alone or normal movement plus Fey Step, it Multiattacks with its Longsword. But if Fey Step isn’t available, and it can reach that other opponent with its normal movement, it’s not going to worry about the OA.On subsequent rounds, the summer eladrin chooses a target who’s overcome its Fearsome Presence or was never affected by it in the first place.
In a combat encounter, the autumn eladrin relies most heavily on calm emotions, which it uses to try to turn the hearts of those who insist on fighting it and who are unaffected by Enchanting Presence from hostility to indifference.An autumn eladrin doesn’t move to attack. Sleep, as an innately cast 1st-level spell, is practically useless against a group of high-level adventurers its only feasible application is as a gentle, nonlethal coup de grâce against one or maybe two already severely injured opponents. As it’s parleying, it calmly approaches until it’s within 60 feet of all of them, so that its Enchanting Presence will kick in immediately if combat should ensue.Most of the autumn eladrin’s spells— cure wounds, lesser restoration, greater restoration, heal and raise dead—are boons rather than tactics. If possible, an autumn eladrin forestalls combat altogether by using its Insight skill to preemptively discern the PCs’ needs and “ get to yes” with them.
It doesn’t resort to Longbow unless an intransigently antagonistic opponent resists its charms, in which case it moves to maintain a range of between 60 and 150 feet from that opponent and takes potshots until the quarrelsome idiot is finally either downed or dissuaded.Foster Peace is an interesting feature, because it can’t be used to thwart an attack against the autumn eladrin itself—it affects creatures charmed by the eladrin, and part of the charmed condition is an inability to attack whoever or whatever has charmed you.
![eladrin fey step 5e](https://travel.casqwer.com/10.jpg)